Development install

If you wish to develop the code then follow the instructions in Conda installation. Then you can clone the git repo, following the instructions on Github.

Navigate to the root of the git repo and then run the following in your anvil conda environment to replace the anvil package you downloaded with a development installation of the code:

$ python -m pip install -e .

Any changes you make in the git repo should be automatically reflected in the anvil installation in your environment.

Developing and testing

If you plan on developing the code, then we highly recommend also installing the following packages:

Those packages can be installed using conda:

conda install jupyter black pylint

Where possible we try to follow the guidelines on formatting set out by black, we also try to make good commit messages. We ask that if you add any code, you document it properly and where appropriate add some tests.

We also ask that you ensure that none of the existing tests have failed as a result of your changes. If you wish to run the tests, then the test dependencies can be found in conda-recipe/meta.yaml under test::requires. Simply install the dependencies via conda.

$ pytest --pyargs anvil

The core aim of this project is to provide a valuable resource for researching physics and ML. This is only true as long as our code is easy to understand and free from bugs.

Finally, we also ask that you read our Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. We hope you enjoy using our code!