Basic usage

The purpose of anvil is twofold, it can be used as a python library for implementing your own normalising flow models, or can be used as a commandline application which allows you to train and sample models for various sizes of 2-D scalar lattice field theories with \(\phi^4\) interactions.

Running anvil

We provide a pair of complementary reportengine applications: anvil-train and anvil-sample. The idea of these commandline applications is to allow the user to train and sample from models using the declarative programming framework that reportengine provides. Some more information on reportengine can be found here.

For the basic user who simply wishes to reproduce our results we recommend using the template runcards found in examples/runcards. In order to train a basic model on a 2-D lattice, size \(6 \times 6\), on a scalar field theory with \(\phi^4\) interaction, take the train.yml runcard from examples/runcards. Then after performing a Conda installation, simply run (whilst in the same directory as train.yml):

$ anvil-train train.yml

You should see the following output which indicates the model is training, it should also indicate an estimated training time:

[INFO]: All requirements processed and checked successfully. Executing actions.
[INFO]: Model has 83918 trainable parameters.
Checkpoint saved at epoch 0
loss: -6.502186298370361:  38%|█████▎        | 765/2000 [00:55<01:24, 14.54it/s]

The output of the training (saved models) will be found, by default, in a directory with the same name as the stem of the runcard, in this case train. You can change the name of your model to be something more sensible either by changing the name of the runcard or using the --output commandline flag. For more information on options when running anvil-train, run:

$ anvil-train --help

Each new model requires its own, uniquely named, output directory, however existing models can be trained further instead by giving an existing fit output directory as input as well as telling the fit which epoch to start the retrain from

anvil-train <existing output name> -r 1000

this will recommence training at epoch 1000 using a checkpoint in <existing output name>, provided it exists. Note that you can just start from the last checkpoint in the output directory by specifying -r -1 which uses the standard python syntax for indexing the final element.

Once the training has finished we can generate a report with some plots which are generated from our trained model. examples/runcards/report.yml acts as the driving runcard for the analysis, the main thing here is to check that training_output is the relative path to your trained model output.

For now, let’s continue with the model output called train. If you ran the training example in examples/runcards then the report runcard is already pointing at the correct location.

You might have noticed there is also a file in examples/runcards. This acts as the report template, and is written largely in standard markdown. The reportengine specific syntax is {@<action>@} which allows you to place “actions” into the report. Typically these actions will be plots or tables, most of which can be found in:


For more detailed discussion on reportengine reports, see, although note the actions discussed in that documentation relate to a different reportengine project.

In the driving runcard for the report, you will notice there are other parameters which control how the model is sampled, feel free to experiment with these. In order to generate the report, in the same directory as the report runcard:

$ anvil-sample report.yml

you should see some indication that the analysis code is running, once it has finished you can find the report in output/index.html. As with the training you can change the name of the output file with --output. To see the full range of options when running reports run:

$ anvil-sample --help

You can also use that command to find out about specific actions, or modules which are part of anvil-sample, this is explained by the output of the help.

anvil as a library

We supply some basic machinery to build your own normalising flow models. The relevant modules for this purpose are

  • anvil.neural_network: Generic neural networks.

  • anvil.layers: a collection of transformation layer classes

  • anvil.geometry: classes which transform the output of the transformations into meaningful geometries. These dictate which sites in your lattice get alternated between active and passive partitions.

  • anvil.distributions: a collection of distributions which can be used as base distributions (for latent variables) or target distributions.

For an example of how to incorporate these objects into an external project, see examples/ You can run the example script:

$ ./

Which should produce some example plots in examples/example_output, for example:

ratio plot of sampled covariance matrix vs. target covariance matrix. The covariance is reproduced within a few percent.